The prison

The prison

We are all born in a Prison. A Box that you may or may not have selected. A box that maybe it was not your fault to arrive in, but you did. And it is up to you to stay in it or not. But what if the game is set in a way so you stay in that box? what if you don’t even notice that you are in a Box?

You may need to start loving the box, because the truth is, you will always be in a box. Even though you can get out of one box, you are immediately in a bigger box. That’s what make us human. Depending on how many boxes you have move away from, your perspective of your own old boxes make you see reality from very different perspective. Nevertheless, in this human body, you are still in a box. A bigger one, maybe a full of wisdom one, maybe you have gone out of many boxes, but still in one.

When we start to see ourselves as in a Box that limit our perspective or perception of the reality, we may start to escape the current box. When we start being aware of it see the possibilities beyond it, even if we don’t understand them, we start to escape that box, we start to grasp the freedom outside of that prison.

And that box is our capacity today to observe and sense ‘reality’, it’s the capacity to be aware of our current situation and ourselves as cocreators and part of it. It is our level of consciousness, our level of awareness. It is our current interpretation of reality integrated in your body that influenced form the environment is trying to hold us down and at the same time show you the path outside of it. If we open our heart and mind to possibilities and reconnect our inner higher self that is trying to emerge, we may start perceiving the path outside of that prison and start enjoying that freedom.