Many big trees are falling

Many big trees have fallen. Many big trees are falling, and many will fall. But even in a broken piece like that, nature show us it is allowing something new to emerge through that brokenness. Sure, what it is emerging is still very small compared with the big gone tree, but it is emerging, and if we collectively allow it […]

The prison

We are all born in a Prison. A Box that you may or may not have selected. A box that maybe it was not your fault to arrive in, but you did. And it is up to you to stay in it or not. But what if the game is set in a way so you stay in that box? […]


One foot in front of the other So often we believe the future we aim to will come at one decisive moment, like if we just need to see the big chance in front of us to take it and win, succeed, be happy, be free, etc. We choose to believe that small actions or habits like making your bed, […]

No matter what you say

When I started working in Germany, communication was hard, and sometimes almost impossible. I thought the months of self-study were going to be enough to have some conversations in German, but they were not. I landed in a very specific environment where even speaking English was difficult. Added to the German language difficulties, the company and clients had their own […]